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Apple Guide:

What is a mixin?
How do I decide whether to use mixins?
How do I set up and compile a mixin?
How do I control when a mixin mixes into the parent guide?
How do I use elements from the parent guide in a mixin?
Why does GuideMaker refuse to compile my mixin?
Why won't a mixin mix into the parent guide?
Why does the guide look strange when a mixin is active?

How do I use elements from the parent guide in a mixin?

Mixins can use these elements if they're already defined in the parent guide:

Mixins can't use context check, format, or event definitions from the parent guide. However, you can reuse the same names for objects of these types without causing an error. For example, if the parent guide contains a format definition called "Body", you can copy that format definition into your mixin source without having to rename the format.

If a panel in your mixin has the same name as a panel in the parent guide, GuideMaker will refuse to compile the mixin. If you want to copy a panel from the parent guide - for example, an Oops panel, or one with radio buttons or checkboxes - into your mixin, you need to rename the panel when you copy it.

(Thanks to James Miyake of Apple Computer for originally compiling the information on which this is based.)

 Next: Why does GuideMaker refuse to compile my mixin?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
Copyright © 1997 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto