![]() ![]() ![]() |
This material, taken from Appendix D of HyperTalk 2.2:The Book, presents the syntax of HyperTalk for version 2.2 and version 1.2.5. You'll find this information especially valuable if you're an advanced scripter who wants a more formal and precise presentation of the syntax than appears within the context of individual vocabulary words, or if you're an experienced programmer who likes BNF formats.
This document uses a few characters from the Unicode character set to represent characters that are used in HyperTalk syntax but are not part of the ISO-Latin character set that's standard on the web. If you are using a pre-4.0 version of Netscape or MSIE, or another browser that does not support Unicode, a few characters in the Expressions section may appear incorrectly.
Name: | Character: | Mac ASCII Value: |
not-equal-to | ≡ | 173 |
less-than-or-equal-to | ≤ | 178 |
greater-than-or-equal-to | ≥ | 179 |
The following is a list of syntactic symbols and terms you must know for the rest of this material to make sense:
< >
). This nonterminal (as the general term is formally called) is replaced by a specific instance of that term. For example, in the syntactic statement go <card>, you can replace <card>
with any valid form of a card reference - go card 7
, go back
, and so on. The section on Syntactic Terms is a complete list of all the non-obvious terms that might appear within angle brackets.
go { help | home | back }
means that it's legal to say go help
or go home
or go back
(but you can't say go help home
or go home back
[ ]
go [to] <card>
means that legal forms for the go command include go <card>
and go to <card>
{ }
background {id <unsigned> | <endLine> | <expr> | <token>}
. The braces indicate that HyperCard first looks for the word ID
(to indicate an ID number); if it can't find one, it looks to see if the next character after the word background
is an end-of-line marker; and so it goes.
For example, the formal syntax for the click command is
click at {<integer>, <integer>}@
The following statement already appears in the proper syntactical form:
click at 100, 300
The statement
click at field 1
also works if field 1 contains a value that matches the required syntax for click - a pair of integers separated by a comma.
If @
appears before the phrase, HyperTalk tries to evaluate the phrase as an expression before it tries to evaluate the phrase as a literal (that is, a group of characters to be taken for their actual face value). This process applies only to stacks. If @
appears after the phrase (as it does in the example), HyperTalk tries to evaluate the phrase as a literal before it tries to evaluate the phrase as an expression.
is any valid background reference.
is any valid button reference.
is any valid card reference.
is the null string.
is the end of line character (ASCII 13).
is any expression - value, source of value, or group of values - meant to be resolved and taken as a single value. Expressions are covered in detail in Chapter 9 of HyperTalk 2.2: The Book.
is the first fully resolvable portion of an expression. Factors are covered in detail in Chapter 9 of HyperTalk 2.2: The Book.
is any valid field reference.
is everything remaining in a line up to the end of the line or a comment.
is a factor that can be converted to a number.
is any object.
is one of the ordinal numbers first
through tenth
, plus the special ordinals last
(or mid
), and any
. (If the something that middle
is in has an even number of units, then middle
moves toward the high end. So the middle of 6 is 4.)
is the return character, entered by pressing the Return key or appended within a script by the vocabulary word return or the expression numToChar(13)
is any valid stack reference.
is a single word without quotation marks meant to be taken literally.
is any expression that can be converted to an integer whose value is zero or greater.
The adjectives this
, prev
, and next
refer only to cards and backgrounds in the current stack.
All words that are not within angle brackets must appear in a reference exactly as they appear in the given syntax examples. So in the phrase <ordinal> card
the word ordinal
is replaced with one of the ordinal numbers ( first
, second
, third
...), but the word card
(or its legal synonym cd
) must appear as in the example.
Here's a list of legal synonyms for objects, tools, and containers:
bg bkgnd background bgs bkgnds backgrounds button btn buttons btns card cd cards cds char character chars characters commandChar cmdChar fields flds fld field gray grey menuMessage menuMsg msg message pict picture poly polygon prev previous reg regular
So, for example, wherever you see syntax that uses the word "bg", you could instead use either "background" or "bkgnd" and get the same results.
This section describes the One True Syntax for the HyperTalk scripting language on the Macintosh, HyperCard versions through 1.2.5. It shows precisely what's allowed in every construct. It uses the syntax symbols listed in the Syntax Symbols section.
<script> = <script> <handler> | <handler> <handler> = on <messageKey> <return> <stmntList> end <messageKey> <return> <stmntList> = <stmnt> | <stmntList> <stmnt> <stmnt> = {<messageSend> | <keywordStmnt> | <empty>} <return> <keywordStmnt> = do <expr> | exit repeat | exit <messageKey> | exit to HyperCard | global <identList> | next repeat | pass <messageKey> | return <expr> | send {<expr> | <token>} [ to <object> ] | <ifBlock> | <repeatBlock> <ifBlock> = if <logical> [ <return> ] then {<singleThen> | <return> <multiThen>} <singleThen> = <stmnt> [ [<return>] <elseBlock> ] <multiThen> = <stmntList> { end if | <elseBlock>} <elseBlock> = else {<stmnt> | <return> <stmntList> end if} <repeatBlock> = repeat [forever | <duration> | <count> | with <identifier> = <range>] <return> <stmntList> end repeat <duration> = until <logical> | while <logical> <count> = [ for ] <unsigned> [ times ] <range> = <integer> [ down ] to <integer>
<expr> = <source> | - <factor> | not <factor> | <expr> <op> <expr> | (<expr>) | <chunk> <factor> <op> = + | - | * | / | & | && | ^ | = | < | > | <> | ≠ | <= | >= | ≤ | ≥ | and | or | contains | div | mod | is | is not | is in | is not in | is within | is not within <source> = <literal> | <constant> | <simpleContainer> | [ <adjective> ] <function> | [ <adjective> ] <property> of {<object> | <window>} <literal> = "quoted string" <constant> = down | empty | false | formFeed | lineFeed | pi | quote | space | tab | true | up | zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten <adjective> = long | short | abbrev | abbr | abbreviated <function> = the <theFunc> | [ the ] <theFunc> of <oneFuncArg> | <identifier> ( <funcArgs> ) <theFunc> = abs | atan | chartonum | clickh | clickloc | clickv | commandKey | cmdKey | cos | date | diskspace | exp | exp1 | exp2 | foundChunk | foundField | foundLine | foundText| heapspace | length | ln | ln1 | log2 | mouse | mouseclick | mouseh | mouseloc | mousev | number | numtochar | optionKey | param | paramcount | params | random | result | round | screenrect | seconds | secs | selectedChunk | selectedField | selectedLine | selectedText | shiftKey | sin | sound | sqrt | stackspace | tan | target | ticks | time | tool | trunc | value
Syntax for each individual property appears in the Functions section.
<property> = autoHilite | autoTab | blindTyping | botRight | bottom | bottomRight | brush | cantDelete | cantModify | centered | cursor | dragSpeed | editBkgnd | filled | freeSize | grid | height | highlight | highlite | hilight | hilite | icon | id | language | left | lineSize | loc | location | lockMessages | lockRecent | lockScreen | lockText | multiple | multiSpace | name | numberFormat | pattern | polySides | powerKeys | rect | rectangle | right | script | scroll | showLines | showName | showPict | size | style | textAlign | textArrows | textFont | textHeight | textSize | textStyle | top | topLeft | userLevel | userModify | version | visible | wideMargins | width
Syntax for each individual property appears at the end of the Commands section, in the notes about the set command.
<object> = {HyperCard | me | [ the ] target | <button> | <field> | <card> | <bkgnd>}@ | <stack>
Note: "card field 1" is a field and "card (field 1)" is a card.
<button> = {button id <unsignedFactor> | button {<factor> | <token>} | <ordinal> button} [ of <card> ] <field> = {field id <unsignedFactor> | field {<factor> | <token>} | <ordinal> field} [ of <card> ] <part> = <button> | <field> <ordinal> = last | mid | middle | any | first | second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth | seventh | eigth | ninth | tenth <card> = recent card | back | forth | {card id <unsigned> | card {<expr> | <token>} | card <endLine> | <ordinal> card | <position> card} [ of <bkgnd> ] <position> = this | prev | next <bkgnd> = bkgnd id <unsigned> | bkgnd {<expr> | <token>} | bkgnd <endLine> | <ordinal> bkgnd | <position> bkgnd <stack> = {this stack | stack {<expr> | <line>} | stack <endLine>}@ | {@{<expr> | <line>}}
<simpleContainer> = <variable> | <field> | <messageBox> | [ the ] selection <container> = <chunk> <simpleContainer> | <simpleContainer> <messageBox> = [ the ] msg [ box | window ] <chunk> = [{<ordinal> char | char <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> word | word <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> item | item <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> line | line <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of]
These nonterminals appear in the command syntax that follows.
<dateItems> = <unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned>, <unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned> <date> = <unsigned> | <dateItems> <humanDate> [ <humanTime> ] | <humanTime> [ <humanDate> ] <dateFormat> = [ <adjective> ] {seconds | dateItems | date | time} <dayOfWeek> = Sunday | Sun | Monday | Mon | Tuesday | Tue | Wednesday | Wed | Thursday | Thu | Friday | Fri | Saturday | Sat <dest> = {{<card> | <bkgnd>} [ of <stack> ]}@ | <stack> <duration> = until <logical> | while <logical> <humanDate> = [ <dayOfWeek> , ] <month> <unsigned> , <unsigned> | <unsignedFactor> {/ | -} <unsignedFactor> {/ | -} <unsignedFactor> <humanTime> = <unsigned> : <unsigned> [ : <unsigned> ] [ am | pm ] <month> = January | Jan | February | Feb | March | Mar | April | Apr | May | June | Jun | July | Jul | August | Aug | September | Sep | October | Oct | November | Nov | December | Dec <point> = {<integer> , <integer>}@ <preposition> = before | after | into <rect> = {<integer> , <integer> , integer> , <integer>}@ <springKeys> = <springKeys> , <springKey> | <springKey> <springKey> = shiftKey | optionKey | commandKey <style> = {transparent | opaque | rectangle | roundrect | shadow | checkBox | radioButton | scrolling}@ <textAlign> = {right | left | center}@ <textStyleList> = <textStyleList> <textStyle> | <textStyle> <textStyle> = {plain | bold | italic | underline | outline | shadow |condense | extend}@ <visEffect> = <visKind> [ [ very ] {slow | slowly | fast} ] [ to <visSrc> ] <visKind> = barn door {open | close} | cut | plain | dissolve | venetian blinds | checkerboard | iris {open | close} | scroll {left | right | up | down} | wipe {left | right | up | down} | zoom {open | out | close | in } <visSrc> = card | black | white | gray | inverse <window> = {card | pattern | tool} window | <messageBox>
add <arith> to <container> answer {<expr> | <token>} [with {<factor> | <token>} [or {<factor> | <token>} [or {<factor> | <token>} ]]] arrowkey left | right | up | down ask [ password ] {<expr> | <token>} [ with {<expr> | <line>} ] beep [<unsigned>] choose {tool <unsigned>}@ | {browse | button | field | select | lasso | pencil | brush | eraser | line | spray [ can ] | rect | round rect | bucket | oval | curve | text | reg poly | poly} tool}@ click at <point> [ with <springKeys> ] close file {<expr> | <line>} | printing controlkey <unsigned> convert {<container> | <date>} to <dateFormat> [ and <dateFormat> ] debug {<expr> | <line>} delete {<chunk> <simpleContainer>}@ dial <expr> [ with modem | with [ modem ] <expr> ] divide <container> by <float> domenu <expr> | <line> drag from <point> to <point> [ with <springKeys> ] edit [ the ] script of <object> enterInField enterkey find [ whole | string | words | word | chars | normal ] {<expr> | <token>} [ in <field> ] functionkey <unsigned> get <expr> | [ the ] <property> [ of <object> ] go [ to ] {{<ordinal> | <position>} <endLine> | <dest>} help hide menuBar | picture of {<object>}@ | { card | bkgnd } picture | <window> | {<part>}@ lock screen multiply <container> by <arith> open printing [ with dialog ] | file {<expr> | <line>} | {<expr> | <token>} [ with {<expr> | <line>} ] | <expr> | <line> play stop | {<expr> | <token>} [ [ tempo <unsigned> ] {<expr> | <line>} ] pop card [ <preposition> <container> ] print {<expr> | <token>} with {<expr> | <line>} | <unsigned> cards | all cards | <card> push <dest> put {<expr> | <token>} [ <preposition> <container> ] read from file {<expr> | <token>} {until {<expr> | <token>} | for <unsigned>} reset paint returnInField returnkey select {[ before | after ] {{text of | <chunk> } { <field> | <message>}@}@} | {<part>}@ | <emptyExpr> set [ the ] <property> [ of {<window> | <object>} ] to <propVal>
(See notes on set, below.)
show menuBar | picture of {<object>}@ | { card | bkgnd } picture | {<window> | {<part>}@} [ at <point> ] | [ all | <unsigned> ] cards sort [ ascending | descending ] [ text | numeric | international | dateTime ] by <expr> subtract <arith> from <container> tabkey type <expr> [ with <springKeys> ] unlock screen [ with {[ visual [ effect ]] <visEffect>}@ ] visual [ effect ] <visEffect> wait <duration> | <count> [ ticks | tick | seconds | second | sec ] write <expr> to file {<expr> | <line>}
The following syntax refers only to the set command. The general syntax for set is:
[ the ] <property> [ of {<window> | <object>} ] to <propVal> <propVal> = {<expr> | <line>} | <integer> | <unsigned> | <logical> | <point> | <rect> | <style> | <textAlign> | <textStyleList>
Set has a different syntax for different groups of properties. The following list shows which nonterminals apply to which properties:
{<expr> | <line>} name,textFont,icon,script,language,cursor,numberFormat <integer> top,bottom,left,right,width,height <unsigned> textHeight,textSize,lineSize,pattern,brush,polySides, multiSpace,userLevel,dragSpeed,scroll <logical> freeSize,showName,lockText,showLines,wideMargins,visible, powerKeys,grid,filled,centered,multiple,editBkgnd,hilite, lockScreen,lockRecent,autoHilite,blindTyping,lockMessages, textArrows,showPict,cantDelete,cantModify,autoTab,userModify <point> loc,topLeft,botRight <rect> rect <style> style <textAlign> textAlign <textStyleList> textStyle
Note that <funcArith>
, <funcFloat>
, <funcExpr>
, and <funcUnsigned>
all take expressions when they're called with parentheses, but they all take factors when they're called with "of".
abs <funcArith> annuity <float> , <float> atan <funcFloat> average {<arithList>}@ chartonum <funcExpr> clickh clickloc clickv commandkey compound <float> , <float> cos <funcFloat> date diskspace exp <funcFloat> exp1 <funcFloat> exp2 <funcFloat> foundChunk foundField foundLine foundText heapspace length <funcExpr> ln <funcFloat> ln1 <funcFloat> log2 <funcFloat> max {<arithList>}@ min {<arithList>}@ mouse mouseclick mouseh mouseloc mousev number cards [ in <bkgnd> ] | bkgnds | [ card | bkgnd ] {buttons | fields} | {chars | words | items | lines} in <funcExpr> | <object> numtochar <funcUnsigned> offset <string> , <string> optionkey param <funcUnsigned> paramcount params random <funcUnsigned> result round <funcFloat> screenrect seconds selectedChunk selectedField selectedLine selectedText shiftkey sin <funcFloat> sound sqrt <funcFloat> stackspace tan <funcFloat> target ticks time tool trunc <funcFloat> value <funcExpr>
This section describes the One True Syntax for the HyperTalk scripting language on the Macintosh, HyperCard version 2.2. It shows precisely what's allowed in every construct. It uses the syntax symbols listed in the Syntax Symbols section.
HyperTalk 2.x syntax is much simpler than the syntax of earlier versions, making it closer to natural language. It allows automatic expansion (designated in the 1.2 syntax by the @ sign) throughout the language: HyperTalk 2.x accepts an expression in place of any nonterminal or any sublist (items enclosed in square brackets or curly braces). It allows unquoted tokens everywhere, and the use of the ancillary "the" is allowed in more cases.
These new freedoms have a minor cost. In previous versions of HyperTalk, "in" and "of" were lexically equivalent. In HyperTalk 2.x, there are two places where they're not:
)This restriction does not hold in versions before 2.0 because they are fully interpreted, and thus have information not available to a compiler that lets them handle these cases properly.
<script> = <script> <handler> | <handler> <handler> = <return> <handler> | on <messageKey> <return> <stmntList> end <messageKey> <return> <stmntList> = <stmnt> | <stmntList> <stmnt> <stmnt> = {<messageSend> | <keywordStmnt> | <empty>} <return> <keywordStmnt> = do <expr> | exit repeat | exit <messageKey> | exit to HyperCard | global <identList> | next repeat | pass <messageKey> | return <expr> | send <expr> [ to {<object> | window <expr>} | program <expr>] | <ifBlock> | <repeatBlock> <ifBlock> = if <logical> [ <return> ] then {<singleThen> | <return> <multiThen>} <singleThen> = <stmnt> [ [<return>] <elseBlock> ] <multiThen> = <stmntList> { end if | <elseBlock>} <elseBlock> = else {<stmnt> | <return> <stmntList> end if} <repeatBlock> = repeat [ forever | <duration> | <count> | with <identifier> = <range> ] <return> <stmntList> end repeat <duration> = until <logical> | while <logical> <count> = [ for ] <unsigned> [ times ] <range> = <integer> [ down ] to <integer>
<expr> = <source> | - <expr> | not <expr | <expr> <op> <expr> | ( <expr> ) | <chunk> <expr> | there is { a | an | no } <expr> <op> = + | - | * | / | & | && | ^ | = | < | > | <> | ≠ | <= | >= | ≤ | ≥ | and | or | contains | div | mod | is | is not | is in | is not in | is within | is not within | is a[n] | is not a[n] <source> = <literal> | <constant> | <simpleContainer> | [ <adjective> ] <function> | [ <adjective> ] <property> of {<object> | <window> | <menuItem> of <menu> | <chunk> <field> } <literal> = "quoted string" | unquotedToken <constant> = down | empty | false | formFeed | lineFeed | pi | quote | space | tab | true | up | zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten <adjective> = long | short | abbrev | abbr | abbreviated <window> = [the] {card | pattern | tool | scroll } window | <messageBox> <menuItem> = <ordinal> menuItem | menuItem <expr> <menu> = <ordinal> menu | menu <expr> <function> = the <theFunc> | [ the ] <theFunc> of <oneFuncArg> | <identifier> ( <funcArgs> ) <theFunc> = abs | annuity | atan | average | charToNum | clickChunk | clickH | clickLine | clickLoc | clickText | clickV | cmdKey | commandKey | compound | cos | date | diskSpace | exp | exp1 | exp2 | foundChunk | foundField | foundLine | foundText | heapSpace | length | ln | ln1 | log2 | max | menus | min | mouse | mouseClick | mouseH | mouseLoc | mouseV | number | numToChar | offset | optionKey | param | paramCount | params | programs | random | result | round | screenRect | seconds | selectedButton | selectedChunk | selectedField | selectedLine | selectedLoc | selectedText | shiftKey | sin | sound | sqrt | stacks | stackSpace | sum | systemVersion | tan | target | ticks | time | tool | trunc | value | windows
Syntax for each individual function appears in the Functions section.
<property> = address | autoHilite | autoSelectautoTab | blindTyping | botRight | bottom | bottomRight | brush | cantAbort | cantDelete | cantModify | cantPeek | centered | checkMark | cmdChar | commandChar | cursor | debugger | dialingTime | dialingVolume | dontSearch | dontWrap | dragSpeed | editBkgnd | enabled | environment | family | filled | fixedLineHeight | freeSize | grid | height | highlight | highlite | hilight | hilite | icon | id | itemDelimiter | language | left | lineSize | loc | location | lockErrorDialogs | lockMessages | lockRecent | lockScreen | lockText | longWindowTitles | markChar | marked | menuMessage | menuMsg | messageWatcher | multiple | multipleLines | multiSpace | name | numberFormat | owner | partNumber | pattern | polySides | powerKeys | printMargins | printTextAlign | printTextFont | printTextHeight | printTextSize | printTextStyle | rect | rectangle | reportTemplates | right | script | scriptEditor | scriptingLanguage | scriptTextFont | scriptTextSize | scroll | sharedHilite | sharedText | showLines | showName | showPict | size | stacksInUse | style | suspended | textAlign | textArrows | textFont | textHeight | textSize | textStyle | titleWidth | top | topLeft | traceDelay | userLevel | userModify | variableWatcher | version | visible | wideMargins | width | zoomed
Syntax for each individual property appears at the end of the Commands section, in the notes about the set command.
<ordinal> = [ the ] { last | mid | middle | any | first | second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth | seventh | eigth | ninth | tenth } <position> = this | [ the ] prev | [ the ] next
<simpleContainer> = <variable> | <part> | <menu> | <messageBox> | [ the ] selection <container> = <chunk> <simpleContainer> | <simpleContainer> <messageBox> = [ the ] msg [ box | window ] <chunk> = [{<ordinal> char | char <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> word | word <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> item | item <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of] [{<ordinal> line | line <expr> [ to <expr> ]} of]
<object> = HyperCard | me | [ the ] target | <button> | <field> | <card> | <bkgnd> | <stack>
Note: "card field 1" is a field and "card (field 1)" is a card.
<button> = {button id <unsignedFactor> | button <factor> | <ordinal> button} [ of <card> ] <field> = {field id <unsignedFactor> | field <factor> | <ordinal> field} [ of <card> ] <part> = <button> | <field> | {part id <unsignedFactor> | part <factor> | <ordinal> part} [ of <card> ] <card> = recent card | back | forth | card id <unsigned> | card <expr> | card <endLine> | <ordinal> card | <position> card} [ of <bkgnd> ] | <ordinal> marked card | <position> marked card | marked card <expr> <bkgnd> = bkgnd id <unsigned> | bkgnd <expr> | bkgnd <endLine> | <ordinal> bkgnd | <position> bkgnd <stack> = this stack | stack <expr> | stack <endLine>
These nonterminals appear in the command syntax that follows.
<dateItems> = <unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned>, <unsigned>,<unsigned>,<unsigned> <date> = <unsigned> | <dateItems> <humanDate> [ <humanTime> ] | <humanTime> [ <humanDate> ] <dateFormat> = [ <adjective> ] {seconds | dateItems | date | time} <dayOfWeek> = Sunday | Sun | Monday | Mon | Tuesday | Tue | Wednesday | Wed | Thursday | Thu | Friday | Fri | Saturday | Sat <dest> = { <card> | <bkgnd> } [ of <stack> ] | <stack> | { <card> | <bkgnd> } of [ <stack> ] <exprOrLine> <duration> = until <logical> | while <logical> <humanDate> = [ <dayOfWeek> , ] <month> <unsigned> , <unsigned> | <unsignedFactor> {/ | -} <unsignedFactor> {/ | -} <unsignedFactor> <humanTime> = <unsigned> : <unsigned> [ : <unsigned> ] [ am | pm ] <month> = January | Jan | February | Feb | March | Mar | April | Apr | May | June | Jun | July | Jul | August | Aug | September | Sep | October | Oct | November | Nov | December | Dec <point> = {<integer> , <integer>} <preposition> = before | after | into <rect> = {<integer> , <integer> , integer> , <integer>} <springKeys> = <springKeys> , <springKey> | <springKey> <springKey> = shiftKey | optionKey | commandKey <style> = transparent | opaque | rectangle | roundrect | shadow | checkBox | radioButton | scrolling | oval | popup <textAlign> = right | left | center <textStyleList> = <textStyleList> <textStyle> | <textStyle> <textStyle> = plain | bold | italic | underline | outline | shadow |condense | extend | group <visEffect> = <visKind> [ [ very ] {slow | slowly | fast} ] [ to <visSrc> ] <visKind> = barn door {open | close} | cut | plain | dissolve | venetian blinds | checkerboard | iris {open | close} | scroll {left | right | up | down} | wipe {left | right | up | down} | zoom {open | out | close | in } | shrink to {top | bottom | center } | stretch from {top | bottom | center } | push {left | right | up | down} <visSrc> = card | black | white | gray | inverse <window> = {card | pattern | tool | scroll | fatBits} window | <messageBox>
add <arith> to <container> answer <expr> [with <factor> [or <factor> [or <factor>]]] | file <expr> [ of type <factor> [or <factor> [or <factor>]]] | program <expr> of type <factor> arrowkey left | right | up | down ask { password | file } <expr> [ with <expr> | <line> ] beep [<unsigned>] choose tool <unsigned> | { browse | button | field | select | lasso | pencil | brush | eraser | line | spray [ can ] | rect | round rect | bucket | oval | curve | text | reg poly | poly } tool click at <point> [ with <springKeys> ] close file <exprOrLine> | printing | application <exprOrLine> | <window> commandKeyDown <expr> controlkey <unsigned> convert { <container> | <date>} [from <dateFormat> [and <dateFormat> ] ] to <dateFormat> [ and <dateFormat> ] copy template <expr> to <stack> create stack <expr> [ with <bkgnd> ] [ in [a] new window ] | menu <expr> ] debug hintBits | pureQuickDraw { true | false } | checkPoint | maxmem |Ęsound { on | off } delete <chunk> <simpleContainer> | [<menuItemExpr> { of | from }] <menuExpr> <part> dial <expr> [ with modem | with [ modem ] <expr> ] disable [ <menuItem> of ] <menu> | <button> divide <container> by <float> domenu <exprOrLine> | <expr> [ , <expr> ] [ without dialog ] drag from <point> to <point> [ with <springKeys> ] edit [ the ] script of <object> enable [ <menuItem> of ] <menu> | <button> enterInField enterKey export paint to file <expr> find [ whole | string | words | word | chars | normal ] [ international ] <expr> [ in <field> ] [ <ofOnly> marked cards ] functionkey <unsigned> get <expr> | [ the ] <property> [ of { <window> | <object> | [ <menuItem> of ] <menu> | <chunk> <field> }] go [ to ] {{<ordinal> | <position>} <endLine> | <dest>} [ in [ a ] new window ] [ without dialog ] help hide menuBar | picture of <object> | { card | bkgnd } picture | <window> | <part> import paint from file <expr> keyDown <expr> lock screen | messages | error dialogs | recent mark all cards | <card> | cards where <expr> | cards by finding [ whole | string | words | word | chars | normal ] [ international ] <expr> [ in <field> ] multiply <container> by <arith> open [report] printing [ with dialog ] | file <exprOrLine> | <expr> [ with <exprOrLine> ] | <exprOrLine> play stop | <expr> [ [ tempo <unsigned> ] <exprOrLine> ] pop card [ <preposition> <container> ] print <expr> with <exprOrLine> | <unsigned> cards | all cards | marked cards | <card> | <field> | <expr> push <dest> put <expr> [ <preposition> [<container> | [ <menuItem> of ] <menu> [with menuMessage[s] <expr> ]] read from file <expr> {until <expr> | for <unsigned>} reply <expr> [ with keyword <expr> ] error <expr> request <expr> { of | from } <expr> { ae | appleEvent } { class | ID | sender | returnID | data [ { of | with } keyword <expr> ] } reset paint | menubar | printing returnInField returnkey save { [ this ] stack | stack <expr> } as [ stack ] <expr> select [ before | after ] {text of | <chunk> } { <field> | <message>} | <part> | <emptyExpr> set [ the ] <property> [ <ofOnly> {<window> | <object> | <menuItem> of <menu> | <chunk> <field>} ] to <propVal>
(See Notes on set below.)
show menuBar | picture of <object> | { card | bkgnd } picture | {<window> | <part>} [ at <point> ] | [ all | marked | <unsigned> ] cards sort [ [cards of ] { this stack | <bkgnd> } | marked cards } [ ascending | descending ] [ text | numeric | international | dateTime ] by <expr> [ { lines | items } of ] <container> by <expr> start using <stack> stop using <stack> subtract <arith> from <container> tabKey type <expr> [ with <springKeys> ] unlock screen [ with [ visual [ effect ]] <visEffect> ] | error dialogs | recent | messages unmark all cards | <card> | cards where <expr> | cards by finding [ whole | string | words | word | chars | normal ] [ international ] <expr> [ in <field> ] visual [ effect ] <visEffect> wait <duration> | <count> [ ticks | tick | seconds | second | sec ] write <expr> to file <exprOrLine>
Notes on set: The following syntax refers only to the set command.
<style> = transparent | opaque | rectangle | roundrect | shadow | checkBox | radioButton | scrolling | oval | popup <textAlign> = right | left | center <textStyleList> = <textStyleList> <textStyle> | <textStyle> <textStyle> = plain | bold | italic | underline | outline | shadow | condense | extend | group <propVal> = <exprOrLine> | <integer> | <unsigned> | <logical> | <point> | <rect> | <style> | <textAlign> | <textStyleList>
commandChar, cursor, debugger, environment, itemDelimiter, language, markChar, menuMessage, messageWatcher, name, numberFormat, owner, printTextFont, reportTemplates, script, scriptEditor, scriptingLanguage, scriptTextFont, stacksInUse, textFont, variableWatcher, version
top, bottom, left, right, width, height
brush, dialingTime, dialingVolume, dragSpeed, family, freeSize, icon, ID, lineSize, multiSpace, partNumber, pattern, polySides, printTextHeight, printTextSize, scriptTextSize, scroll, size, textHeight, textSize, titleWidth, traceDelay, userLevel
autoHilite, autoSelect, autoTab, blindTyping, cantAbort, cantDelete, cantModify, cantPeek, centered, checkMark, dontSearch, dontWrap, editBkgnd, enabled, filled, fixedLineHeight, grid, hilite, lockErrorDialogs, lockMessages, lockRecent, lockScreen, lockText, longWindowTitles, marked, multiple, multipleLines, powerKeys, sharedHilite, sharedText, showLines, showName, showPict, suspended, textArrows, userModify, visible, wideMargins, zoomed
loc, topLeft, botRight, bottomRight, scroll (of window)
rect, printMargins
textAlign, printTextAlign
Note: <funcArth>
, <funcFloat>
, <funcExpr>
, and <funcUnsigned>
all take expressions where they're called with parentheses, but factors otherwise.
abs <funcArith> annuity <float> , <float> atan <funcFloat> average <arithList> charToNum <funcExpr> clickChunk clickH clickLine clickLoc clickText clickV cmdKey commandKey compound <float> , <float> cos <funcFloat> date diskSpace exp <funcFloat> exp1 <funcFloat> exp2 <funcFloat> foundChunk foundField foundLine foundText heapSpace length <funcExpr> ln <funcFloat> ln1 <funcFloat> log2 <funcFloat> max <arithList> menus min <arithList> mouse mouseClick mouseH mouseLoc mouseV number cards [ in <bkgnd> ] | bkgnds | [ card | bkgnd ] {buttons | fields | parts} | {chars | words | items | lines} in <funcExpr> | <object> | menus | menuItems {in | of } <menu> | marked cards | windows numToChar <funcUnsigned> offset <string> , <string> optionKey param <funcUnsigned> paramCount params random <funcUnsigned> result round <funcFloat> screenRect seconds selectedButton [card | bkgnd] family <funcUnsigned> selectedChunk selectedField selectedLine selectedLoc selectedText shiftKey sin <funcFloat> sound sqrt <funcFloat> stacks stackSpace sum <arithList> systemVersion tan <funcFloat> target ticks time tool trunc <funcFloat> value <funcExpr> windows